- Public Hearing October 19, 6pm – Register Now – https://bit.ly/EGLEHearingOct
EGLE’s Proposed Consent Order for Stellantis Violations further cements claims of the racism inherent in their department.
The department also would require two supplemental environment projects. Stellantis would replace the out-of-date building management system at nearby Southeastern High School. The new system would allow school district staff to remotely control the school’s lighting and mechanical, water, heating, cooling and ventilation systems. The $147,000 equipment installed by the end of September 2023 would provide improved indoor air quality and lower operating and maintenance costs, according to EGLE.
Stellantis also would extend its partnership with the Greening of Detroit to plant more than 80 trees in Brewer Park three blocks west of the plant, committing to have the trees maintained and watered for two years after planting them between April and June of next year. The consent order values the project at $65,000.
EGLE’s Air Quality Division calculated Stellantis’ fine using the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Air Act Stationary Source Civil Penalty Policy. The cost of the supplemental projects mitigated the fine to $62,863 from $270,203.
- Public Hearing October 19, 6pm – Register Now – https://bit.ly/EGLEHearingOct
Detroit News
https://www.detroitnews.com/story/business/autos/chrysler/2022/09/19/stellantis-southeastern-high-school-plant-trees-fine-odor-violations-jeep-plant-detroit/10428618002/ Detroit Free Press